The Centre for Men and Families is a not-for-profit organization that helps men. Simple. We exist to create a safe community for men to connect, learn, be loved, and belong so that they can journey deeper and experience a transformation of the heart, and bring the gift of who they truly are into the world.
Here, in The Centre for Men and Families Network, you find mates.
Not only that, you'll find a safe space to have your experiences heard and honoured; a space where you can talk – really talk – and your story is welcomed without judgment; a space where you are free to recognise and embrace life's hurts, disappointments, and limitations; a space where you can find help and support; a space where you can learn how to handle both your power and your pain and above all, a space where you can have real honest conversations about the stuff that men deal with... work, life, relationships, fatherhood, mental health challenges, divorce, stress, whatever... it all belongs here.
If you're a bloke who just wants a safe place to talk about real issues, then what are you waiting for? There are mates waiting for you on the other side.
Join today. It's free!
Our dream is that every man in this country would have access to a group of mates that they can walk with shoulder-to-shoulder through life's best and life's worst. Our dream is that every man in this country would have a safe place where they can really talk about what's going on, where they can share their story without the fear of judgment and find themselves heard and unconditionally loved. Our dream is that every man could experience the inexplicable strength that comes through being authentic about their weaknesses. Our dream is that every man in this country could be supported to recognise and embrace their hurts, disappointments, and limitations and find healing and wholeness. And our dream is that every man who finds healing and wholeness would pass on that generative wisdom to their families, society, and the next generation of males.
That's our dream.